Study Skills

Which type of learner are YOU? Not sure? Track how often you use these strategies this week: WEEK OF When the week is over, use the information you gathered to determine your dominant learning style. Not everyone learns the same way. Visual learners learn best by seeing. Auditory learners learn best by hearing. Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing. • Auditory learners easily remember what they hear . • Auditory learners frequently have music playing. • Auditory learners can be easily distracted by excess background noise. • Visual learners easily remember what they read and write . • Visual learners enjoy art more than music. • Visual learners tend to use visual aids (graphs, charts, maps). • Kinesthetic learners easily remember hands-on experiences . • Kinesthetic learners have good coordination. • Kinesthetic learners tend to have good reflexes and enjoy being active. AUDITORY M T W TH F Chose to study with someone instead of alone Read aloud or talked to yourself while studying Whistled or hummed to yourself while doing something else Needed to “talk out” a problem before coming up with a solution Tapped out the rhythm of a song you were listening to VISUAL M T W TH F Wrote down verbal instructions so you could remember them Sought out a quiet study area Visualized how a word looked before you could spell it Needed time to think through information you heard before giving an answer Doodled while listening to someone KINESTHETIC M T W TH F Had trouble sitting still Used a lot of body language while talking Fiddled with something while listening to someone talk Got excited about building something Took something apart (a toy, mechanical pen, remote, etc.) KINESTHETIC VISUAL AUDITORY LEARNING STYLES STUDY SKILLS T-1